Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Be. Listen. And worship.

Trevor Kline is a music and dragon loving senior.  He rocks the drums and is majoring in music education.  He also enjoys reading, video games, and eating popcorn.

Find some time during the day to be alone and without interruption and throw in some headphones and listen to this song.  Do more than listen, let it truly be a time of worship.  Listen to the words and truly let them sink in and relate to them.  We have an incredible God (duh) that no matter the struggles or the sin we fall into, he loves us and we're able to break free from it.  All we have to do is literally make the decision to follow Him.

There are hesitations however for a lot, maybe most people.  There a couple really common themes in this:
One is that we're not good enough for God.  While this is pretty much true (sorry to be a downer),  God's love for us transcends all knowledge and comprehension of what we know of love.  To have a fully unconditional love is something that we can think about as a general concept, but truly trying to understand is not possible, for me at least.

This song talks about the face that we fail God every day, yet, if we look to the cross and realize that he became man, came to earth, and was murdered by us, all because he loves us (again with the mind blowing), that through him our chains are broken and we are free through him.

Whether we like or not, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, there is a war happening for our hearts.  We need to realize who the enemy is and know that the only out of his grasp is to fall into the loving arms of Christ.  It may seem like a strange or abstract thing to some, but a life dependent on Christ will transcend that of an earthly life every time.


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