Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Come to the Well

Marissa is a senior and an education major.   Did you know that she is a twin?  Not only that but she really loves hugs and serving others.

Check out John 4: 7-15 and James 4:8.

When you feel empty where do you turn? Do you turn to your best friend or significant other to fill those holes but still feel empty when done talking with them? There are plenty of times in my life when I have turned to other people to help me through whatever it is I am going through. This fills me up but when I go back to my room or am alone again I still have that empty feeling, and I start to wonder what it is I need to do to not feel drained. I heard this song from Casting Crowns and also heard Mark Hall the lead singer of Casting Crowns give a “behind the song” talk and was smacked in the face with what I had been missing. I had been turning to the world to help solve my problems when God was right there just waiting for me to come to Him because He is the One who can fill me up and completely erase those empty feelings. God has put people in our lives to lean on and go to for support but ultimately it is Him that we have to go to be filled up so that we can pour out our lives for other people. Humans will never be able to fill that empty void. Jesus is the only one who can do that! I encourage you to listen to this song and turn to God the next time you are feeling lonely about something and see how He is able to fill you up so that the empty feeling goes away.

The Song is titled “The Well” and comes from their newest album, Come to the Well

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