Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spotlight: Barbara Otey

Hello on this oh so lovely Sunday! Apparently winter is not done with us yet! I hope this yuck weather doesn't keep you from coming to chapel tonight!

Here is another bio; this one is from freshman Barbara Otey. Enjoy!

Hello all!
My name is Barbara Otey and I am currently a freshman transfer student at Alma, double-majoring in Dance and EHS. Dance is my passion. I have been doing it for nine-ish years and have done pretty much everything from ballet to tap, jazz to modern, lyrical to contemporary, and almost everything else in between. God has blessed me with this ability so I try to use my talent in ways that praise and glorify God.

I started going to chapel the third week of term. I had been attending a local church every Sunday before that with friends who also invited me to chapel, but I kept forgetting or putting it off. Truth be told, I was apprehensive about going because I didn’t know what it would be like. I’m a United Methodist, and Alma College is a Presbyterian college. There aren’t a ton of differences between Methodism and Presbyterianism, still, I was nervous that I wouldn’t agree with the theology of it, or it just wouldn’t be the service for me.

Boy, was I wrong! I had an amazing time at chapel. God opened up my eyes and showed me this community of incredible people who are the more supportive and loving people I have ever met. Truly, chapel people are the best! They made me feel so welcome, I just knew that I had found a new home at chapel. I spent at least an hour after the service just talking with new people and making new friends. It was such a blessing because I had just transferred so I didn’t really know very many people.

Random fact: I am a preacher’s kid, grandkid, and step-grandkid. My father’s father was the first Reverend Otey (in a Presbyterian church) and my mother is the second Reverend Otey (in a UMC). My father’s step-grandfather was also a Presbyterian minister. Guess it just runs in the family! I’ve been raised going to church every Sunday, doing VBS in the summer, bible study, church choir, and the whole shebang. But it wasn’t until I was confirmed in 7th grade that I really began to question my religion and what it meant to me. Even then, it wasn’t really until my mom became a minister that I began to feel fully comfortable in my faith and in my beliefs.

I am trying to be more aware now of what God is calling me to do, and it’s a challenge. I know what I want to do with my life, but as my mother always says, “If you want to hear God laugh, make a plan.” So I guess I’ll keep walking the path and listening for God’s direction in my life. But just in case you’re curious, my current plans include going to Physical Therapy school and then pursuing a career in PT for dancers, and then hopefully teaching at a studio somewhere when my body just can’t take anymore J.

A few more tidbits of information about me…
My favorite color is turquoise and I really like otters. I relax and de-stress by coloring and watching old episodes of my favorite shows on Hulu or iTunes. I am the middle child of three girls, and I have two cats (Prince and Kato). Also, I love to travel! I’ve been to Barcelona, Spain; Cessenon and Paris, France; Berlin, Germany (where one of my best friends lives!); Vancouver, Canada; and many states in our home nation. I think you’ve heard enough about me… visit the blog again soon to learn about someone else!

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