Monday, March 19, 2012

Stop Worrying is a sophomore majoring in IPHS. She loves the outdoors, especially –hiking, biking, and camping. Watching movies is a past time of hers.  She enjoys exploring, and one day hopes to go kayak.

Worry wart.  I feel like some time or another we have all felt like this—especially now during our college years.  We worry about the littlest things from what our weekend plans are, to how our exam for bio, is going to be on Friday, to big things like what am I going to do with this degree I’m getting from Alma College?  It’s normal to think about these things and prepare in advance.  It is also normal to feel frustrated at times and almost hopeless, because you have no idea what’s in store for you and if there even is anything planned for you.  Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, God doesn’t send down maps from Heaven with cute little pictures of us with our future family, friends, and homes.  He isn’t going to show us what job we will have after school or what car we will be driving (or bike if you’re still in the process of paying off loans). As frustrating as it can be to feel lost in life at times, it can end up being a good thing I think.  It can be God’s way of showing how much He loves us and letting us learn to trust Him allowing our relationship to be that much better—which is a beautiful thing.  I want you to take a look at Matthew 6:25-34 to show you this… 
Read, read, read…
Ok so now that you have read this this passage, let’s sort of talk about it and reflect.  There is a lot to take in and interpret.  What I really love about this is how much attention God pays to the grass, birds, and other things in nature.  He clothes the grass giving it life and beauty.  This is grass that will be grown and then thrown into the fire to heat the clay ovens used at the time.  If God is giving so much attention to the birds and the flowers, imagine how much devotion He is giving you.  (There are 6,994,600,169 people in this world, and God still cares for each blade of grass along with every person; that’s pretty awesome.) He is making sure that every minute, every second, every millisecond, you are attended to.  You may not feel like it at the time, but He is watching you and guiding you to get you on the right path, even when you feel like you’ve reached a dead end.  We just have to do a “trust fall” with God and give up our worries to Him knowing that all will be well; put your faith in him, your doubts, your cares, and your uncertainties.  No one’s holding you back except yourself.  He says in verse 33 to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.  If you pursue Him and trust God’s design for you, everything else will fall into place.  Focus on your relationship with Him first, and don’t fret over all that you have to do; He has it all taken care of.  What He wants is you and your attention.,%20B000BUZHG6.01-AEKIZOOW1W4NI.jpgC:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\BZWUN74B\MP900177811[1].jpgSo I want to challenge you to pray or talk to God every time that something comes up for you no matter how big or how small.  If you have an interview approaching, pause, pray, and prepare.  Don’t let the stress of it get to you everyday and take over you.  Cast those qualms on Him and have trust knowing that the “big guy” has got your back.  Don’t hassle, focus on what you have to do today, and still prepare for it without the stress.  It’s such a great feeling to know that there is no need to worry about the things that strain us when God is the one in control and taking care of it.  No matter how good or bad the interview goes, it will all work out in the end.  Don’t ever feel like God has left you alone when things don’t turn out as expected. Be calm knowing that He has the wheel.  He attends to the flowers with such great care; He will surely attend to you.   
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34    

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